Letter From The Editor: Apocalypse Not Yet

Greetings, friends! Your associate editor here just checking in to make sure your transition into 2007 is as pleasant as possible. Blanket? Cookie? Britney Spears' vagina? Don't hesitate to ask. Mark is still on vacation, possibly readying himself as we speak for the pilgrimage to the Apollo Theater to pay his last respects to James Brown. (But in all probability eating Snickerdoodles and watching Oprah.) In the meantime, we'll be with you today and a half-day tomorrow, after which, you're pretty much on your own. Remember to avoid the deadly path of block-long, speeding Hummersines overflowing with shit-faced revelers wearing those 2007 novelty sunglasses. (Whatever will become of that industry in 2010?) And now that we're on the subject—we're feeling a lack of New Year's Eve spirit. Like, where's the party? Let us know. We're committed to spreading the word.