Team Party Crash: New Year's Eve with Motherfucker & Trash

The "new" year of 2007 already feels a little old and tired, or maybe that's just our liver talking. Such is the life we live, and the same is true with Gawker photographer Nikola Tamindzic, who made the nightlife rounds while 2006 expired messily in hundreds of filthy bathroom stalls all over town. Nikola braved the fleshy mobs of two events, presented for sober reflection. First up is the Motherfucker party at Rebel (Nikola's gallery here), an establishment deemed "popular with the rivethead subcrowd" of the goth species. If that's not enough to sate your implacable lust for questionable body parts and inevitable nipple-licking, turn your jaundiced eye to Trash at Rififi (Nikola's gallery here). The go-go dance contest comes with bonus "passed out in rainy gutter at dawn" action. Photos from both parties can be viewed here. Enjoy, though note that several pics are NSFW.
Motherfucker New Year's Eve 2007 @ Rebel [Photos]
Trash New Year's Eve 2007 @ Rififi [Photos]
UPDATE: The photo galleries may be a little hinky for awhile. Happy New Year!