Non-Alumni Magazine Seeks Non-Alumni for Non-Alumni Editorial Positions

02138 is not a Harvard alumni magazine—it's a magazine about Harvard alumni. If you're scratching your head over that one, then these job openings probably aren't for you:
Ideal Canidates [sic] must enjoy the back-and-forth that comes with working on a new, ambitious publication, demonstrate outstanding literary and managerial skills, and bring a network of writers. A talent for working with and mentoring a young, bright staff with a steep learning curve also required. For some positions, a strong background in investigative journalism a plus.
Responsibilities include: developing story ideas, assigning writers, and editing both feature-length and front-of-the-book pieces. Editors may also be asked to contribute original writing and reporting.
Sounds pretty boilerplate. But we were heartened to learn that "while the magazine does not shy away from gossip, the heart of 02138 is stringently executed journalism." Ah, that would explain the current cover story on Harvard power couples. It's stringently executed, sure, but journalism? Seems like a stretch.
Editorial Openings at 02138 Magazine [Mediabistro]
Power Couples [02138]