It may seem to you like the equivalent of jumping off the Titanic to climb aboard a larger — but still sinking — ship, but congratulations to New York Sun uberflack Maggie Shnayerson, who will be leaving that, uh, organization to toil in the fields of the Village Voice. We suppose it might be nice to not have to read Alicia Colon on a professional level anymore. Full release after the jump.

For Immediate Release

January 2, 2007 - The Village Voice is pleased to announce that Maggie Shnayerson has joined the newspaper as Director of Public Relations. At the Voice, she will work to promote editorial content and staff and serve as a liaison between the editorial and business departments. In addition, she will work with the Marketing Department to coordinate promotional events and partnerships.

Ms. Shnayerson was previously the communications manager for The New York Sun. She attended Dartmouth College and has worked for Time, The New York Post, and various regional newspapers.