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We've heard this from a number of tipsters, so we'll put it out there:

I don't know if you can see this from where you are, but a small plane is skywriting over Central Park right now. It's upside-down and backwards from our office windows, but right now it appears to say "Who would she." Wondering if it will eventually say "Who would she pick," but I can't think of a TV show or anything that has that kind of question going on right now. Unless it's the execrable "Flavor of Love" spinoff "I Love New York". . . and then I might have to stop watching VH1.

If we had to wager we'd say it was a promo for Beauty and the Geek or something, but if you've a better guess, hit us up.

[Image via]

UPDATE: A number of you are saying Wildfire, which, given the ad below, makes sense. RELATED: A number of you are way too familiar with the ABC Family network's programming.

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