Did Justin Timberlake Give Cameron Diaz A Dump In A Box This Christmas?

Justin Timberlake has had a busy year, having successfully campaigned on behalf of the return of sexy after it suffered a series of sexy-rights abuses during its internment at the Guantànamo Bay detainment camp, and more recently focusing his attentions on the creative wrapping of his genitals. Sadly, however, there were no bow-adorned penile presents under the tree for Timberlake's longtime girlfriend Cameron Diaz this Christmas, according to a report from Star magazine:
This Christmas season, Justin Timberlake spent his holiday at home in Tennessee, surrounded by his close-knit family, including mom (and onetime manager) Lynn, stepfather Paul Harness and his three younger half-brothers.
Cameron Diaz, his girlfriend since 2003, went skiing in Vail, Colo., with her family. Separate vacations? At this time of year? What's the reason?
Sources say the glamorous due broke up and went their separate ways after a serious discussion that ended with Justin deciding that his days with Cam were numbered. [...]
[O]n Dec. 23, as he partied with friends in Senses nightclub in Memphis, the source says, Justin told fellow revelers: "Me and Cameron? We're done." He also confided to those friends that "the breakup is for keeps!"
If Star's story is accurate, then it brings us no joy to note the sad news; there's simply no excuse for the beloved actress, who will be 35 this year, having squandered many of her peak child-bearing years on an ex-boy bander, regardless of how white-hot his career might be right now versus her increasing reliance on Shrek sequel money. Diaz might do well to take a page from her most recent disappointing chick flick screen heroine, and perhaps get out of town for a while by swapping homes with fellow cross-the-pond starlet dumpee Sienna Miller—the more distance the better as Justin goes about the guilt-free gifting of his box to groupies in the coming months.