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In another blow to citizen journalism, social media, and the culture of You, two Iraqi guards and an "official" have now been arrested for shooting and distributing the Saddam Hussein execution video. (President Bush supposedly has not seen the video, by the way, which strikes us as charmingly preposterous.) Early rumors claimed the filmic operation was arranged by Saddam's longtime ethnic and political foes, though now it appears that $20,000 may have changed hands over the deal. Take that, Ze Frank. In other death video news, the world will likely never see the Steve Irwin demise clip. Someone else famous better die on camera quick, or else we'll all lose interest when the new TV seasons start next week.

Questions Swirl Around Saddam's Hanging [CBS]
Despite Misgivings, White House Says Little Against Hanging [NYT]
Steve Irwin death film handed back to widow [Times]