Annals Of Opportunistic Marketing: The Colonel Steps Into The Rosie-Trump Feud

Every so often, we like to spotlight the work of innovative publicists who aren't afraid to think outside the box—or, in this case, outside the red-and-white-striped bucket full of fried chicken parts—by exploiting a timely Hollywood story for the benefit of their clients, and so we share a pitch that landed in our inbox a couple of hours ago:
As you've probably noticed — "The Donald" and Rosie O'Donnell have created quite the commotion with their current and seemingly-endless feud.
I just want to let you know that the Colonel — yes, KFC's Colonel — has made his way into the matter. Hoping to help straighten things out between the pair, KFC is offering the feisty fighters a "10 Peace Offering" to talk through their issues at the dinner table. The Colonel will treat the problematic pair to an all expense-paid Kentucky Fried Counseling session at the restaurant location of their choice in order to help them hash out their differences over a bucket of Original Recipe...
Since the source of their dispute, Miss USA Tara Conner, hails from Kentucky, we thought what better way resolve the problem than with a little KFC?
Please feel free to give me a call with any questions...
It's a valiant try by the KFC folks, but one that's more than a little misguided, as even the Colonel's most accomplished Kentucky Fried Conflict Counselor probably won't be able to get the aesthetically hypersensitive Trump to refrain from loudly repeating his oft-expressed distaste for O'Donnell's physical appearance when forced to sit across the table as she devours her greasy, battered share of their "peace offering."