Canadian War On Blogging Continues To Rage Tepidly

Canadian National Post reporter Martin Patrinquin Patriquin has some disappointing news for us all: perhaps in response to his countryman Hal Niedzviecki's bloggers-are-mean cri de coeur, he's decided that he's not going to participate in this pesky blogging trend.
I suppose it was inevitable, then, that blogs — effectively a series of 'Dear Diary' entries on the Internet — would become the lowly journalist's best friend, since they allow them to share the limelight.
And so, it is no longer enough that the reporter tells the real story. He now has to tell us about the weather, how he nearly froze/drowned/burned to death, and about the bowl of sumptuous lobster bisque he ate after it all . . . Sorry . . . I'm not going to blog. Life, any life, is just far too mundane a spectacle. With any luck, the journalist blog trend will follow the faux-hawk into the giant dumpster of bad ideas and everyone, journalists included, will figure out the advantage of knowing when to shut up.
Yeah, no comment.
Why Blogging Is A Bore []
Earlier: Bloggers: Hurting Feelings, Providing Easy Column Topics Since 1999