You catch that Styles piece on the bright young things who like to breakfast late? Seems that what with the rise of disposable income and "late-rising professions like fashion, art, publicity and Web publishing," (we were up at 5:30, but whatever) a new "social tribe" of douchebags who dine after dawn has emerged. The article centers around Balthazar, and tells you everything you want to know about, uh, having coffee after eight, but is particularly notable for the following:

Lockhart Steele, the managing editor of Gawker Media, is a regular, who on a different morning was in his usual banquette with Ben Leventhal, the editor of Eater, a food blog that Mr. Steele is an investor in. "We lead strangely deconstructed lives," Mr. Steele said. "Ben works at home most of the time. My full-time job is at the Gawker offices. It would be very easy for us to go weeks without getting together."

That's right, kids! It's the first 2007 appearance of go-to quote machine Lockhart Steele in the New York Times. We want to remind reporters that Lock is always available to offer a quick, informed opinion on a) real estate, b) dining, c) the Internet, d) the Lower East Side, and e) Phish, although we can't imagine a lot of demand for that last one. So whether you're racing to meet your deadline on a sophisticated exegesis of the way in which an unmarked club becomes a neighborhood institution or just want to add a little color to a trend piece on graffiti, you know where to turn.

Breakfast Is Late, So Business Is Good [NYT]