This image was lost some time after publication.

Last week, we alerted you to a job posting for a personal assistant to an unnamed "UWS socialite." Said "socialite" was looking for someone to do "Heavy scheduling - Creating personal travel itineraries - Planning parties - Gift purchasing - Running errands - Coordination of nanny, chef, driver, etc. - Ad-hoc projects as requested," all to the tune of a cool $70K. Several of you fingered Jessica Seinfeld, including this tipster:

I'd bet money on it, actually. A lot of money. Maybe even my OWN Personal Assistant salary... She goes through help faster then... well... she goes through first husbands... and because of her name within the industry (the professional domestics industry, that is), agencies either can't or won't help her, anymore - next stop? Craig's List.

Damning words, those. However, one tipster pointed to a socialite we'd never heard of as the culprit.

UPDATE: Reflexive Seinfeld publicist denial, also after the jump.

The socialite looking for a P.A is Paige Bludhorn of the San Remo at CPW. Daughter-in-law to the late Charles Bludhorn, billionaire.

So, which is it—Jessica or Paige? Please let us know, or leave your other guesses in the comments.

And here's the Jessica Seinfeld denial:

From: Thomas M. Keaney
Date: Jan 8, 2007 4:41 PM
Subject: Jessica Seinfeld

Regarding your item on the job posting for a personal assistant. I work with Jessica Seinfeld. Any speculation that this ad is from her is incorrect. She's not looking for an assistant and, in fact, she's never advertised for an employee.

Tom Keaney
Rubenstein Communications, Inc.

Indeed, the very idea of advertising for an employee is rather vulgar, don't you think?

Earlier: Socialite Guessing Game: Who's Looking for a Personal Assistant?