Life During Wartime: Trump v. O'Donnell Skirmish Refuses To Die

Like the rest of you, we had hoped the whole Donald Trump/Rosie O'Donnell feud was a short-lived distraction that would run out of air once the slow season before the holidays came to its end. Sadly, it's the conflict that refuses to die, much like Iraq but without all the brutality and destruction (so far). The latest tactical response from Team Trump: A letter faxed to Rosie "obtained" by Access Hollywood. We've put the full thing after the jump. Let's be honest: If there were anything beyond bad smells and Mac pornography going on today, we would have passed this sucker over. As it is, we'll just sit here and update our obituary of Walter Cronkite while refreshing Enjoy.

Still looking for better ratings for the new season of The Apprentice [Access Hollywood, pdf]
Earlier: Further Adventures In The Rosie O'Donnell/Donald Trump Colloquy