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In a post on On The Town, Var's new blog covering the industry party and events beat, a reporter describes an uncomfortable moment she shared with Brad Pitt at the premiere for God Grew Tired of Us, a documentary about the Sudanese civil war that Angelina Jolie's orphan-gathering companion executive produced:

"Is civil war still going on in the Sudan?"

Brad Pitt looked at me with something between dismay and horror. "Oh, come on. You're smarter than that. It's worse than ever." [...]

And Googling proved he was right - I am smarter than that. The second Sudanese civil war (north vs. south) began in January 1983 and ended with the signing of a peace agreement in January 2005. Now Sudan must contend with the genocide in Darfur, located in westernmost Sudan, as well as war with the neighboring state of Chad.

Luckily for our blogger, Google saved her from the potentially ego-destroying repercussions of being chided about her alleged ignorance of recent Sudanese history by Brad Pitt. But in fairness to the actor, he may have just confused the civil war with the ongoing atrocities in the region, and admirably chose not to shout across the room to his partner, "Ang? Sudan civil war? Still going on?" before attempting to answer the query put to him.