William Morris Retreats

Inspired by the wild success of the Sun Valley retreat, where billionaire media moguls gather each year to talk shop, paw at up-and-comers whose ideas they think will some day further enrich them, and hunt humans for sport with semi-automatic rifles in their downtime (an ill-advised, all-crossbow expedition resulted in too few fatalities to be fun), the William Morris agency has gathered over three hundred of its best foot soldiers in Palm Springs this week for some corporate bonding. The LAT reports on how WMA staffers will occupy their time in between restorative seaweed wraps:
Jim Wiatt, chairman of William Morris, Hollywood's oldest talent agency, has coaxed some big moguls to his corporate retreat to pontificate about the future of the entertainment business. In addition to [Disney CEO Bob] Iger, the program includes Starbucks Corp. Chairman Howard Schultz and MySpace Chief Executive Chris DeWolfe. [...]
William Morris agents flew in from six cities this week and stayed at the La Quinta Resort outside Palm Springs to attend classes with titles such as "The Evolution From Local Talent to Global Brand" and "The William Morris Agency (An Entertainment Company)." All will be asked to attend a session with motivational guru Marcus Buckingham, who encourages acolytes to maximize their strengths — even calling for a "strengths revolution."
Expected to be among the best-attended seminars are "Using the Entire Baby: Eliminating Wastefulness in Our Agenting Endeavors" and the disaster preparedness tutorial, "What To Do When CAA Finally Comes To Kill Us All." Equally popular should be the mass team-building exercise, The Distrust Fall, in which the entire William Morris staff will gather in a ballroom, break into teams of two, and allow their partners to tumble backwards through their outstretched arms; as they crash to the floor, they'll learn a valuable lesson about the importance of self-reliance in succeeding in the cutthroat entertainment industry.