Great Moments in Journalism are submitted by readers, and can be sent to this address. Okay, kids, end of the week, poll up in the afternoon. In the meantime, your final Moment comes from that bastion of fine journalism, the New York Press:

There used to be a strict trajectory known as adulthood: finish school, get married and have kids. Simple, direct and to the point. But it seems the point of, well, life may be changing. What with the Women's Lib movement and a little thing called in vitro fertilization, this no-ifs-ands-or-buts track doesn't really apply. So if people are putting off family life until later in life, in what manner do they live in the meantime? In New York City, we still cohabitate, but not necessarily in the traditional post-college way. Quite the opposite actually: New Yorkers bunk with roomies. Elsewhere around the country, having a roommate beyond your 20s is akin to living in your parents' basement. But here, it's expected, nay, it's pretty much required. For a pop culture reference you need look no further than the television show "Friends." With that notion of roommates in their 30s now firmly ensconced within our collective psyches, should we prepare ourselves to meet the 40-Year-Old Roommate? A quick search of the first two New York City pages at reveals 10 listings, four in their 20s, three in their 30s and three in their 40s and 50s.

We think it's intensive research and bloggy diction that make this 'graf: your mileage may vary.