Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Swank And Agent-American Boyfriend Take Their Love To Brentwood

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you say Frodo Baggins become reacquainted with that pesky ring he thought he'd melted, and in the Virgin Atlantic first class cabin, of all places.
In today's episode: Hilary Swank; Elijah Wood and Lori Petty; Queen Latifah; Hank Azaria; Lori Loughlin; Jessica Alba; Paris and Nicky Hilton; Tommy Lee; Jason Lee; Ryan O'Neal; Allison Janney; Crispin Glover; Ed McMahon; Lorenzo Lamas; Heidi Fleiss; Keith David and Jason "Wee Man" Acuna; The Miz, Adam King and Christopher "Kid" Reid.
· Monday night, post-getting her star on the walk of fame, saw Hilary Swank and date (her agent?) dining at Vincenti in Brentwood. They were sitting side-by-side at a banquette and looking particularly cozy. Rough life.
· Saw Hobbit-in-Chief ELIJAH WOOD flying Virgin Airways from L.A. to London today (Weds. Jan. 10th.) Always thought the guy might be gay, but — no friggin' way — he was sucking face with a nice, head-taller-than-him short-haired brunette in the VIP lounge and then throughout the flight. The lovebirds even shared the same lie-flat seat (just sleeping; no snogging, it seemed). Appears to be a really nice, down-to-earth guy. At one point during the flight they announced over the P.A. that someone had lost a ring in one of the lavatories. Turns out it was some kid, and the ring was a LOTR souvenir he'd bought in New Zealand. After asking E.W. if it'd be okay, a stewardess brought the kid (newly reunited with his ring) to meet him and get his autograph. Hmmm ... plot line for a sequel? Quick, somebody tell Bob Shaye to bury the hatchet with Peter Jackson.
· Saturday, 1/6- Elijah Wood at Albertson's on Lincoln and Ocean Park. Looked lost in the produce department.
Sunday, 1/7- Lori Petty shopping on Abbott Kinney. She's looking well-fed.
· Drove past Queen Latifah this morning on Melrose as she was pulling up to Urth Cafe. She was driving an Aston Martin and talking on her cell phone. Eerie.
· Congrats, Defamer Gods, your attempts to Borg me are now complete. 1/11 in the afternoon, I'm on Sunset waiting to make the left into Beverly Glen, I see an Aston Martin coming toward me and my first thought is not "Sweet ride" or "I didn't think Daniel Craig sucked so bad," it was "Hey, Defamer Privacy Watch always has a sighting of Hank Azaria in his convertible Aston Martin! Maybe it's him!" And Christ in a kickline, it was. He was wearing a tan jacket and either singing or talking to himself (had the top up, it was overcast). Does he just drive around all day hoping schmucks like me will write him up for Privacy Watch?
· all of these were in beverly hills in the area of brighton and bedford
january 2- aunt becky (lori laughlin)- we were getting pedis and manis at the same time....soooo fun. i wanted to pee my pantalonays.
january 9- jessica alba. paparazzi waiting for her to finish getting her eyebrows done. poor girl. except she had a girl entourage. why?
january 11- Paris and nicky hilton!! thats right! they were walking out of the doctors office and I SAW THEM!!!!! paris' dress was ugly.
· Randomly having lunch at Fiesta Taco, a tiny little shack with all outdoor seating on plastic patio furniture in the parking lot of a skeezy motel in Burbank when who should walk in but Tommy Lee and another rocker type dude and skanky half dressed rocker type chick as companions. Tommy had a burrito and a can of Squirt. Yeah, a can of Squirt. And he reeked of cologne. I haven't been tested yet, but I'm pretty sure he gave me hepatitis.
· Spotted Jason Lee on Crescent Heights and Santa Monica last night (Wednesday) riding on a Harley (I think it was a Harley - didn't get a good look). He was riding in tandem with a male friend. Not much to report beyond that. He has lots of facial hair, but you already knew that.
· 1/11/07- Saw Ryan O'Neal having lunch at Pizzicotto on San Vicente in Brentwood. He looked pretty good- very pink complexion but that might have been because he was sitting outside in the freezing cold. He was eating pasta with two other guys. No Farrah in sight.
· This past Saturday, 1/6, Allison Janney of West Wing fame at The Abbey, looking amazing as usual. Much taller than you'd expect, but an incredibly nice [albeit a tad drunk] lady. Also, to be expected, the princess herself, Lance Bass was there and appeared to be intoxicated.
· Friday night - Gelson's - Silverlake.
As I was gathering my weekend supplies of ritz crackers and booze, I saw the mad genius himself, Crispin Glover. He was a little hard to miss, being that he was wearing a full on suit and was accommpanied by a smoking hot (younger) blonde. If he wasn't my hero before, he is now. Even as creepy as that guy is, he still managed to look like James Bond while at the grocery store, complete with Pussy Galore on his arm.
· Legendary second banana Ed McMahon sighted in first class on a Dulles to LAX flight. He may be getting on in years, but he looked dapper in a blazer and perfect hair. Dude has still got it.
· Lorenzo Lamas, in his toughest role yet...playing dad to his roving band of kiddies as they roamed the Beverly Connection humming the theme song to "Renegade". Or was I the one humming???
· Saw Heidi Fleiss at the Home Depot on Sunset last Saturday. Looked like she had been whacked in the face by a dozen ugly sticks and was surrounded by a couple of homely junior stripper types in platform jellies and juicy sweat suits. She is a mouth breather.
· saw Keith David walking in all yellow being too damn busy on his cell in Santa Monica on 3rd and Arizona.
saw wee man at Griffith Park skating
· Last night (1/10) I was at Barney's Beanery in WeHo for Karaoke (which is AWESOME btw) and I saw three, count 'em, THREE, celebrities (totally D-list ones anyway). The Miz from Road Rules/Real World Duel fame was rocking a bleached mohawk at a booth with several friends, a short-haired Adam King, from Real World Paris, was chatting it up on the porch (PS he works as an assistant at CAA), and the best sighting of all, Christopher "Kid" Reid from Kid and Play. Honestly, I didn't even recognize him, but my friend swore up and down that it was him, and he would know.
Hope you enjoy these as much as I did.