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Perhaps the better question is who isn't the washed up rock star looking for hot young snatch, but in this case, the query will be answered on VH1, as per this casting call that's making the rounds:

A new relationship show from the producers of The Surreal Life and My Fair Brady on VH1 is looking for girls who love to party and are ready to fall in love with a bona-fide rock star. Twenty girls will live in a Hollywood Hills mansion and vie for the attention and love of a famous lead singer of an 80's/90's rock band (who is remaining anonymous for now). For those chosen to be on the show, there will be some pay involved. To be considered, girls you must be 21 or older, email your photo, bio and contact information to Brenda Della Casa at Rock on!

Our money's on Tommy Lee, but that almost seems too obvious, and besides, he seems to be burying his troubles in Pam Anderson's massive chest yet again. (Which, come to think of it, has never stopped him before ...) (Oh, and also, he's a drummer. Like, duh.) Any ideas? Let us know. And remember, they said lead singer, so if anyone even attempts to guess Slash they will get a beat-down.