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To be sure, Simpson never explicitly admits to slicing his ex-wife's neck so savagely that he almost decapitated her.

Best "To be sure ..." transition ever. Newsweek gets a copy of the key murdery chapter from OJ Simpson's If I Did It from an unidentified source. Mark Miller does yeoman paraphrasing, though it would be more interesting to just read the damn thing verbatim. No real surprises, other than OJ's "theory" that "he" had an accomplice named "Charlie." However, this accomplice seems to fulfill the imaginary friend role, urging OJ (or "OJ") to stop what he's doing, get help, etc. without ever assisting in the actual crime-doing. Newsweek shies away from running the chapter (or long passages) wholesale, as both OJ's lawyers and those for the family of murder victim Ron Goldman are both chasing after the copyright for If I Did It. Let's hope for a holiday 2007 release.

Evidence of Guilt? [Newsweek via ETP]