More About Those "Financially Independent" West Village Roomies

Well, really just more about Jules Spehar. Yesterday we got a little huffy about the two "25 year olds" who considered themselves "financially independent" because they cover the $3,800 rent on their W. Vil duplex with only a little bit of help from Jules's mommy. Today, an irate tipster demands of us, "How did you miss Jules's Friendster page?" We were thinking about civil rights, okay? Anyway, rest assured that no such omissions will happen in future; we've learned our lesson. We've also learned that Jules Spehar's "favorite books" include "Einstein's Dreams, Haruki Murakami's books, Man's Search for Meaning, Idiot's Guide's [sic], Fodors travel guides, The Week, NYTimes Style section, WWD."
Omg, the Style section is totally our favorite book too!! But we're not as crazy about some of her "favorite movie" picks, though we're looking forward to checking out "Pretty Women." Oh, and speaking of: yeah, we guess it wasn't just a bad angle in the Times shot, huh?
Earlier: About Those "Financially Independent" West Village Roomies