Paris Hilton Pleads No Contest To Being A DUI-tard

Paris Hilton, whose spotless track record and meticulously managed public persona came tumbling down around her when she received a DUI in September, has entered a plea of no contest in her drunk-driving case:
The judge placed Hilton on 36 months probation. She must pay a fine of $390 and attend an alcohol education program. She was also given the option of completing probation in 24 months if she completes 40 hours of community service.
A $390 fine will hardly register on Paris's radar: She could always pretend to run out of gas again, then hand an eager paparazzi a wad of bills, asking in her most plaintive whine, "Could you, like, bring this to the courthouse for me? Thanks sooo much, guys. I'm late for Freedom Writers at the Grove!" The mandatory, totally-not-hot alcohol education seminar and 40 hours of Beverly Hills trash collection duty, on the other hand, are likely to register their punitive sting, and we're grateful we won't be present for the inevitable tantrum that immediately follows her lawyers' delicate explanation of the infeasibility of her plan to put dutiful flack Elliot Mintz in a blonde wig and floral print mini-dress and send him in her place.
UPDATE: The LAT reports Hilton pleaded no contest to the lesser charge of alcohol-related reckless driving.