Tess Lindgren is a Parsons student with bracelets, ribbon-dreds, and an upper lip piercing that doubles as a speech impediment enhancer. How much easier can a target be? Seriously, we've done a full 180 and now we love Tess and are currently looking at tickets to Minnesota on Priceline so that we can hit the same secondhand store that her coat comes from. But after the jump, Intern Alexis has Allison Castillo and Chris DeLuca share their thoughts, which are a tiny bit less charitable.

Allison Castillo, comic and author of The Score

Funny coincidence that Tess shares a last name with New York Magazine editorial director Hugo Lindgren? Or... not?

There are no coincidences in fashion (see Meryl Streep's monologue to Anne Hathaway in The Devil Wears Prada, explaining how all our choices are dictated by the fashion cognoscenti). However, if there's any doubt in your mind as to Tess's pedigree, I've uncovered some cleverly hidden clues:

She's a student at Parsons, but she lives in Union Square - Can anyone say cha-ching? Hello, Daddy's money! She's into avant garde music — I repeat, "avant garde." She coulda just said "weird."

Her jacket is from Northern Minnesota - I'm sure there are lakes and lake houses there.

She doesn't wear jewelry on just ONE wrist - She wears it on both! The only white girls who dred anything into their hair are those trying to rebel against their privileged lives — and their famous surnames.

Attack Tess with your wardrobe.

Look out Tess, a pair of Prada pumps are flying at you and knocking that hat off your head! Ouch, those spikey heels really can do some damage...wait, what's this in the back of my wardrobe? Oh, it's that time machine I built. Let's put you in it and send you back to nineteen eighty whatever where your outfit will feel at home.

What should Tess's next piercing be?

What more CAN she pierce? Her eloquence has already pierced my soul...

Chris DeLuca, comic/writer

Funny coincidence that Tess shares a last name with New York Magazine editorial director Hugo Lindgren? Or... not?

You mean nepotism is playing a role here? Damn it! How many opportunities are being taken away from deserving quirky, waifish, attention deprived young ladies who in no way can afford their New York city apartments on their own, because someone just happens to be the quirky, waifish, attention deprived daughter who can't afford to pay for her NYC apartment of the boss?! I want an investigation!

Attack Tess with your wardrobe.

I don't know, I'm looking at what she's wearing and I'm thinking its giving Dr. Seuss wood. Actually, my wardrobe has a number of straitjackets in it, so this may work out for everyone.

What should Tess's next piercing be?

I don't know — when you have a piercing in the middle of your upper lip, how do you top it? I think you have to buy a small dog, pierce its private parts and start carrying that around with you. Either

that, or go internal.

Video Look Book: Tess Lindgren [NYMag]

Earlier: Jeanne Zheng Doesn't Care If There's Blood On Those Diamonds