Hot Village Voice news from the Post! Apparently, no one outside of the hallowed halls of the Columbia School of Journalism wants to work for the struggling paper.

[Voice editor David] Blum has approached a number of journalists to revive the Voice's dormant media gossip column, Press Clips. "I've talked to people," said Blum, "and have yet to find somebody that I'm ready to offer the job to." Our sources say, however, that few writers have shown much interest. New York magazine's Jesse Oxfeld, the New York Observer's Michael Calderone and Rachel Sklar of Huffington Post were among those rumored to have met with Blum - although none seemed eager to abandon their current jobs.

Not reached for comment , Oxfeld said, "Oy," Sklar offered a statement that showed how absolutely nice and Canadian she is and somehow managed to reference "Saturday Night Live," and Calderone informed us that he was saving his quote for Jossip.