Who, Pray Tell, Could Carolyn Kepcher Be Referring To?

Former Donald Trump lieutenantess Carolyn Kepcher may have left-slash-got-fired from the Trump Organization last summer, but she's still got a lot of wisdom to impart about how to deal with bosses. She doesn't name any names, so it would be a really fun game to try to figure out who she's talking about in today's Daily News. (N.B.: Keep in mind that before starting to work for Trump in 1994, her work experience consisted of selling Avon products, working as a waitress and restaurant manager, and working in sales at a no-name golf course near New York.) Here's what she had to say:
After speaking with many people in my life and reflecting on my own experiences, I've found that bosses come in many shapes and sizes. Let's categorize some of them:
- The weak, indecisive and insecure. He (or she) is afraid to make a decision and yet criticizes your decisions when you're not in the room.
- Those who manage by fear, as opposed to motivation. He gains his power and authority through intimidation.
- Those who know how to reduce you to a trembling mass of low self-esteem. In his presence he can make you feel tongue-tied and inarticulate. He carefully and strategically didarm you with a subtle put-down.
- Those who make a point of keeping tabs on everyone and everything. He forms alliances with people he can manipulate. His greatest skill is cutting you off from any ally who might be able to resist him, even from your ultimate superior, to whom he's terrified you'll rat him out.
- The micromanager and egomaniac. They need to control everything and take credit. They are quick to point the finger when something fails.
In my experience, difficult bosses frequently mix and match their abusive styles according to the opportunity and situation. Ah yes. "In my experience," indeed.