Breaking: Explosion At CAA! UPDATE

Reports are flooding in about a possible explosion within CAA that's resulted in a flood of Armani-clad refugees being evacuated to the sidewalks of Century City. A few accounts we've received:
· My office window looks right at the new CAA building. There are about 8 fire trucks all lined outside the building while all the agents in their nice suits are evacuated on the street corner waiting in the cold rain.
· Nothing like seeing every top agent in town and their assistants in the rain outside of the new office building. TOTAL EVAC in progress now with more fire and rescue present then ever seen before!!
· CAA has been evacuated and fire trucks just pulled up with firemen in full gear plus oxygen masks. Word has it there was a loud explosion somewhere inside. I've got money on it that William Morris sent their trainees over to fire bomb the place.
Drop us a note and tell us what you can see/what you're hearing. Updates as they become available...
UPDATES after the jump:
UPDATE: While we momentarily had a nightmarish vision of the just-christened CAA Death Star imploding into its impressive parking garage, we're getting reports that the temporarily displaced agents are on their way back to their offices, that no one was injured, and that the explosion was caused by a gas leak in the kitchen that caved in the ceiling of the mailroom, the agency's evil nerve center. We believe that it is now safe to start speculating about which rival chop-shop was behind the obvious act of sabotage or which CAA staffer's poor baby-cooking skills resulted in such a large-scale food preparation mishap.
And, entirely by coincidence, KCAL-9 just ran an Emergency Broadcast System alert, but it was a warning about potential flooding somewhere else, and not to alert the entire city about the brief evacuation in Century City.
Thanks to everyone who's written in. More info as it surfaces...
UPDATE 2: The LAT reports three people were "slightly injured," and that the explosion occurred while the gas line was being repaired.