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Nestled between today's Page Six items concerning a Diddy goon's seizure of a digital camera memory card that may have contained unauthorized images of their boss dancing with Sienna Miller and a discarded Trump trophy wife's endorsement of Hillary Clinton's presidential ambitions is this bizarre mash-note about Monday's news that recent Paramount pinkslip victim Gail Berman and Lloyd "All Media Mentions Of Me Must Include A Reference To My Role In Shepherding ABC Megasuccess Lost" Braun were joining forces to seize back control of their Hollywood fates:

CHAMPAGNE glasses clinked all over Hollywood Monday night when it was announced that former Paramount president Gail Berman and former ABC entertainment chief Lloyd Braun - two of the best-liked executives in L.A. - were joining forces to create their own production company, BermanBraun. The partners have no projects on their slate yet but are being wooed by every company except for ABC, whose chief, Bob Iger, fired Braun two years ago, despite the success of "Lost" and "Desperate Housewives." The most likely home for the two is Fox, but NBC's Jeff Zucker is working hard to outbid Fox head Peter Chernin.

We can only assume that somewhere within the Page Six offices is a ten-foot-tall basket brimming with delicious baked goods and top-shelf alcohol, to which a handwritten note from a newly retained publicist is affixed, reading, "Hey guys! Per our conversation, here are those yummy muffins and some beverages to help you wash them down. While Gail and Lloyd would totally love it if you'd mention the celebratory champagne glass-clinking bit and the bidding war about to break out, they'd be happy if you just get in the part about everyone loving them. Everyone does! Can't wait to see the paper tomorrow!"