How to Get an Internship, Columbia-Style

Today's Columbia Spectator offers some helpful insights into how to go about getting a coveted internship. One article, by a student who seems to have been hanging around campus forever, kind of like Eric Stoltz in Beautiful Girls Kicking and Screaming, laments the lameness of his internship experiences, particularly one at Time Asia:
Take my "prestigious" Time Asia editorial internship. This was during the summer of 2001, and I only got the job because my dad works there. Now if a summer in Hong Kong sounds appealing to you, think again. I was living on a houseboat during typhoon season, and the only way I could afford to eat was by running up my dad's tab at the yacht club on shore.
Also, shockingly, when he hit his editor up for a job a couple years later, "all he could remember about me was-'ah yes, James, you had some spectacular moments of drunkenness as I recall.'"
Looks like nepotism's privileges only go so far, eh James?