In the tiny block of text that accompanies her cheesy cheesecake spread in the new ish of Complex, former Trumpslut Susie Castillo has some choice words for successor Tara Conner: "It's not the job of Miss USA to be in rehab. Other girls worked hard to give it a positive name, and it's going to be tarnished for a very long time now." Seriously, Castillo is a moral beacon:

Would you ever consider posing for Playboy or doing a nude scene? "Never. I've thought about that because it's so common, but you can use body doubles. I think nudity is exploited a lot, and I'm not comfortable with that.

Wheras stripping to your skivvies in Complex is . . . well, basically, God's work. Duh.

Former Queen Tells Reigning Queen and Ex Pop Queen: Off With Your Heads [Complex]