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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in obsessively. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you spotted Johnny Sack, Bobby Bacala, and Uncle Junior casing the Rite-Aid at Wilshire and Doheny.

In today's episode: Reese Witherspoon; Jennifer Aniston; Nicole Richie; Kyle MacLachlin, Ali MacGraw and David Groh; Giovanni Ribisi and Danielle Rees; Jason Lee; Marisa Tomei; Chad Lowe; Milo Ventimiglia; Ashlee Simpson; Alan Rosenberg and Frances Fisher; Kim Raver; Steve Schirripa, Vincent Curatola and Dominic Chianese; Nelly; Amber Valletta and Cami Edwards.

· While pretending to do my job at the Getty Center today (2/1/07), I saw Reese Witherspoon and her son leaving. They weren't there for very long, maybe just long enough to buy something from the museum store. With Blond hair down under a black baseball cap, Reese wore big black sunglasses, a black peacoat, skinny jeans and black ballet flats. She was ITSY-BITSY, if I didn't know better (she was only identifiable only by her blatant nonchalant, everyday person attire and her prominent profile) would have thought she was an Olsen twin loving 'tween. She held hands with her adorable son and was completely focused on him as they walked to the elevator. As the crowds rushed on, they held back until they could get an elevator down by themselves.

· Saw Jennifer Aniston at AOC Thursday night. She looked absolutely lovely and was sitting downstairs in a booth by the window with a few folks I didn't recognize.

· Saw Nicole Richie last night at the Polo Lounge, coming out around 9 PM. At a bar table, had seen some girl brush by us who I noted as very underdressed for the Bevl'y Hills Hotel (can you seriously walk around with no makeup, hair fully stuffed up into a knitted newsboy, maybe even a bagel bag added in there? Her head looked like a fully-inflated Jiffy Pop — even if you're 15, which she wasn't, nobody is cute enough....nasty!) well, she was with Nicole. Also some Jack Osbourne from five years ago looking guy. Nicole had on some highly fabulous olive-green shoes, black leggings, hanging silk belt, a leather jacket, pimp hat w/do-Hermes-rag under it. Large earrings, small pony tail. She line-jumped, like I said, with her peeps and hadn't even sent out ahead for her car. So then she tucked herself away from all the line, over in front of a column to the side so we couldn't see her. They were talking about a stylist. GOD these people.

· Celebrity Supermarket Sweepstakes

Saturday (1/27) I hit the tri-fecta of has beens, who is its, and really does his own shopping? Pavilions, West Hollywood...Rhoda's boyfriend (did they marry?) David Groh looking gray and old is he?

An ever so beautiful Ali MacGraw shopping for organic produce, asked for help and very polite. Love means you age gracefully. I'm gay, but she was smokin'.

I don't know why but I ended up at Ralph's at 3rd & LaBrea for Iceberg Lettuce & blue cheese dressing cuz I was missing my Hearts of Lettuce from The Palm. Just as I was approaching the produce department (again) I see what looks like a human version of Dudley Do-Right dressed in his civies. It was Special Agent Dale Cooper looking for donuts (not really). Yes, Kyle MacLachlin baseball cap, glasses and chinos. Not much in the cart. Looks hot!

· Just saw Giovanni Ribisi with Danielle Rees @TJ's in Silverlake. Both had on sweats with uggs. He is tiny in person, she looked like any dressed down model. They bought hummus, vitamins and a case of bottled water. Guess that is how they keep so svelte!

· So Sunday morning 1/29 I met my husband for coffee/breakfast at Figaro in Los Feliz. (he walked with the dog and I, being both pregnant and lazy, drove.) When I got there my husband was drooling over a motorcycle. I don't know much about bikes, but hubby said it was great (a ducati), looked vintage but was new, the paint job was perfect, the saddlebags were fantastic, etc.

My husband also said that he had chatted with the bike owner briefly, and the guy said he loved the bike (though, according to husband, bike owner was not very friendly).

Later on, I saw a skinny, scruffy guy carrying a cute blond boy. The guy was saying to his son, "...that's because I was nominated for an award..." and husband said, "that's the guy with the bike." The guy then finished addressing his son, "...Pilot."

I informed my husband that it was Jason Lee, to which my darling, bike-loving, non-tv-watching husband said, "I have no idea who that is. But his bike is fuckin' awesome."

· 2-1 early afternoon saw a very stylish marisa tomei wandering at trader joes west hollywood with one of those hand baskets full of waffles and chips i guess no dieting here. She reminded me of those old money women who can get away with black ballet shoes, hair up, red lipstick, and a really good coat over your anything and you always look great, cuz that is what she was wearing and she looked great.

· Chad Lowe at LeVecchia on Main Street in Santa Monica. He was with what looked like a date. I knew he looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it, so I asked my friend "Who is that?" She said "that guy Hilary Swank was married to". He is quite cute in person and was very nice and smily. He held the door for me and I forgot to thank him.

· monday night at the grove... floppy-haired side-talking pussface heartthrob milo ventimiglia ("peter" from heroes) exiting an elevator...

· Was at Aroma Cafe in Studio City and heard a recognizably scratchy (and annoying) voice. It was in fact Ashlee Simpson sitting with her pimp, I mean Mom and another older woman. Surprisingly pretty with delicate features except for a bad fake tan that literally looks like she misted Tropicana OJ all over herself.

· Breaking! Working Actors Hang Out Near SAG HQ!

Feb. 1 around noon, SAG prez Alan Rosenberg (Mr. Marg Helgenberger) and Frances Fisher hanging out—not coincidentally, I would imagine—in front of the SAG building on Wilshire, smoking and talking to a tall dude.

· 1/28. Three Sopranos at Rite-Aid, Wilshire/Doheny: Bobby Bacala (STEVE SCHIRRIPA) buying two bags of chips while Johnny Sack (VINCENT CURATOLA) stood beside him at the cash register and Uncle Junior (DOMINIC CHIANESE) prowled the aisles.

2/1. Spotted KIM RAVER walking on Ocean Park in S.M. My money's on her in a skinny contest with Kate Bosworth and Ellen Pompeo.

· Working out on a cardio machine last night above the basketball courts at The Sports Club LA , and saw Nelly playing basketball. That guy is an athlete! And he has nice accessories. Just one more reason that proves I really can't afford to work out there.

· I know I'm late with this one, but saw 1990's ubermodel Amber Valletta at the Santa Monica Farmer's Market in early January. She was dressed in dour earth colors, waiting in line at the tamales kiosk. I think she had comfortable, nondescript clothes on. The kind of comfortable, nondescript clothes that cost some sweet coin. Anyway, she seemed eager to go unacknowledged and looked away quickly when (I'm sure) my eyes widened when I saw her face. Amber's hair was stringy, but her face was haunting and beautiful. There was no mistaking those cheekbones. Damn!

· Not a big one but saw that nit-wit "Cami Edwards" from "Laguna Beach this Morning at "Starbucks" inside an Albertsons in South Laguna. Did notice they were shooting something down PCH so it figures. Much thinner and prettier than I thought she would be. She turned here nose up at me seemed to be thinking her Shiny new Audi beat my 3 year old Mercedes. I then realized she is the one who sold her soul to Satan only to look like an Assbag on national television. I love South Orange County.