How Is This Socialite Different From All Other Socialites?

Our feverish excitement about Fash Week has led us to peek into some darker nooks and crannies of the internet than usual; here's a nugget we turned up about socialite Claire Bernard, who mingled with the 'Tinz et al at that One Scottsdale/Vogue Italia party last night.
Meanwhile, One Scottsdale, the latest luxury mega-mall, celebrated Fashion Week far from its Arizona home—like any good tourist—with drinks at Amy Sacco's Bette. Amongst the crowd, co-hosts Tinsley Mortimer and Theodora Richards greeted friends like Annie Churchill and Claire Bernard (taking a night off from doing homework for her MFA at Columbia).
We flipped through the student directory, and sure enough, Claire's on her way to becoming a bona fide Writer with a capital W! We can only hope that she'll heed Cary Tennis's words of wisdom, and not rely on her writing to support her.
Fashion On Site [WWD]
Earlier:Breaking: Creative Writing MFA Student Unconvinced Of Own Brilliance