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Well, not all of India, just those "sensitive" locations such as "laboratories, mines, military sites, space and atomic centres and residences of high-profile VVIPs." This is hardly new, as Google Earth has complied with requests to blur "military camps in Kosovo, the king's palace in the Dutch Utrecht, military sites in the UK, as well as IBM research centers in New York." Google's own offices remain visible in Google Earth, on both the East and West coasts, or in a hideous amalgam of the two.

Cry censorship all you like, as only government/security powers make you blurworthy; otherwise, we're all fair game for the eye in the sky. Good news for some, as the satellite imagery will provide valuable intel for the upcoming venture capital ballistic war between Los Altos Hills (Steve Jurveston's V2 rocket) and Portola Valley (the SCUD launcher owned by Jacques Littlefield, VC scion and spouse to former conference whorebot Sandy Montenegro). The craters should be nicely visible from space.