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Up until this morning, we have managed to remain blissfully ignorant of the Tyra Banks "I Did Not Gain 40 Lbs. In Two Months" Controversy that is currently tearing apart daytime TV, as the conspicuous weight gain of talk show hosts generally falls outside of our purview (unless, of course, a rubber fat suit and hidden camera are involved). But a reader just brought us up to speed by forwarding this photo of an Opie and Anthony fan's response to some sort of radio stunt challenging their listeners to offer conspicuous public commentary on Banks' weight, which allegedly hung on the hedge outside of CBS Television City (where the Tyra Banks Show shoots) all day Sunday and was still in place as of about 9 a.m. this morning. However, given Bank's recent defiance in responding to those who might make an issue of her post-modeling figure, we wouldn't be too surprised if she allowed the sign to stay up a little longer, at least until her staff can erect a bigger one reading KISS MY FAT ASS on the building behind it.