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We'd never heard of Whitewall either — turns out it's about "the personalities that shape the art world," and not, you know, tires — but we're always interested in any departing editor in chief's loopy resignation letter. And this one is a doozy.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I believe a magazine has a soul when its editor-in-chief can freely
infuse his/her vision.
I had this freedom for a year. An incredibly successful year for
Whitewall magazine.
I have just been deprived of that freedom; of my rights to collaborate
with my favorite photographers, and the autonomy to choose my favorite
I have just lost my independence and with it my confidence in the
future of the magazine.

I hadenvisioned Whitewall as an exclusive publication thatprivileged
the aesthetics of the image, and the originality oflanguage. I
respected an ethical choice of subject; a sincere, intuitive, and
personal approach to art that gave space to singular and unprecedented
After 5 issues, Whitewall's publishers have decided to change these
rules. Not only they want to modify its concept, but they also choose to
impose on it their own taste.

I fear this unique publication I helped conceive years ago, and love so
deeply will lose its essence.
Its soul.

I am truly sorry I have to leave my baby in their neophyte hands.

Eve Therond

Boy, and who said the art world was full of loons?