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Great Moments in Journalism are submitted by readers, and can be sent to this address. Over the weekend, the LA Times hosed the NY Times with the big news that web-loving bald daddy-type Jeff Zucker would be promoted to chief exec of NBC Universal. AP and Reuters were happy to run follow stories, crediting the LAT's Meg James.

This apparently put the TV beat fellas of the NYT in a world of pain. Sort of like that spaceship in "Event Horizon" where everyone has nails all up in their faces and stuff! was happy to run the credit-is-due-to-the-LAT wire stories until their folks could crap a story out. Then NYT biz TV writer Bill Carter came to the rescue, ready to give credit to.... "speculation."

Yesterday: "The board of NBC Universal has scheduled a meeting in New York tomorrow morning, fueling speculation that the long-awaited appointment of Jeff Zucker as the company's new chairman and chief executive...."

Today: Bill Carter's follow story to his follow story, as it arrived—with edits!—on RSS. "When Jeff Zucker is named As the new head of NBC Universal, he Jeff Zucker will have completed a spectacular ascent from part-time sports researcher need to corporate C.E.O. deal with rapid technological and financial changes that are throwing traditional media businesses into upheaval."

That's just how NYT biz section editor Larry Ingrassia rolls, West Coast bitches! It's Biggie and Tupac all over again.