We've highlighted clues for your convenience:

A-list celebrity is immediately hiring an Estate Manager. This person would be in charge of managing all aspects of this celebrity's four estates.

This job requires someone who is very flexible [will be called in the middle of the night to administer an emergency colonic], has a very thick skin [will be abused, probably by having things thrown at them] and is completely unflappable [see above].

To succeed you MUST be available to work VERY long hours and be available 24/7. Travel is required. This person will be responsible for the organization of all four estates from staff to guests. This person will also be in charge of all billing, hiring/scheduling of staff, vendors, and maintenance and building renovations. This person MUST be very organized and able to make sound decisions on their own. Interior decorating experience is a plus! This job is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Salary: Competitive

So who is it? Let us know, either in the comments or the usual address.

Estate Manager to A-List Celebrity [GloCap]