The Village Voice has, after "touching base" with pretty much every media reporter in town over the last few months, just yesterday anointed a media columnist: Keach Hagey.

Keach Hagey—now elevated from Village Voice intern— has, it turns out, a lady name. She also has a lady band! And they're really pretty.

The feminist post-punk-post-whatever band, called Fur Cups with Teeth, has been described as " a cross between Le Tigre, Bikini Kill, and Ladytron." They are all up in TEH MYSPACE, with internet friends such as Ultragrrrl and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. The two other gals are a handbag designer and another writer, who also works at a museum. Does it get any more downtown? Anyone?

She started as an "investigative reporting intern" at the Village Voice back in October. In the past, she wrote bar reviews for New York and listings for the New York Press. She is all Stanford '00.

Like all Village Voice Press Clips columnists before her—does anyone remember Sydney Schanberg's 29-part series on Life Under Bush? No? Us neither!—she believes, or at least once did, that the Bush administration is threatening to turn the U.S. "into a state akin to economic feudalism."

And while we're nerdishly excited for the return of Press Clips—what this town really needs is more media reporters!— our biggest concern was: Whatever will become of Fur Cups for Teeth?

"Nothing's gonna happen to the band," said Keach, reached at the Voice this afternoon. "We're going to keep rocking!"