'Observer' to Go Tabloid, Says HuffPo—Someday

Lawyer turned reporter Melissa Lafsky went big over on The HuffPo today, with a story about the pink weekly New York Observer. Big news! Tomorrow marks the re-launch of the paper as a tabloid—plus a new web site!
Except, that turns out to not be true at all. So, after publication, HuffPo altered "tomorrow" to "fast-approaching." Maybe later they'll try "next week"!
Also, New York magazine (founded 1968!) predates the Observer, not the other way around. Saying the Observer "quickly spawned" competitors such as New York and Radar (founded in a variety of years in the 00's) does time and space in by decades.
Lafsky started emailing Observer staff back on December 1, saying she was working on a big, big story for the Village Voice. That went south, so Lafsky decided to reissue, repackage, repackage.
A final complaint? The piece contained a total lack of pictures of Jared Kushner in scanty things.
[UPDATE: Lafsky's third revision did indeed say next week!]
After Turbulence And Turnover, The Observer Prepares For Re-Launch [HuffPo]