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While his vastly more successful and less troubled brother Alec scoops up acting accolades at awards ceremonies around town, fascinating nature vs. nurture case study Daniel Baldwin's most notable recent projects remain limited to the sphere of crack-related run-ins with the law. Now, he can proudly add "fugitive experience" to his resume skills section, as a Newport judge has issued a warrant for his arrest for failing to show up to his arraignment for a car theft charge:

The $25,000 bench warrant means that if Baldwin is arrested, he will be held in lieu of $25,000 bail, said Farrah Emami, a spokeswoman for the Orange County district attorney's office, in a telephone interview.

Baldwin was scheduled to appear this morning at the Harbor Justice Center in Newport Beach to be arraigned on felony charges of unlawfully taking a vehicle and of receiving stolen property, she said.

The KTLA video on the LAT's story page also informs us that only last week, Baldwin was in court on misdemeanor charges for "possessing a cocaine ingesting device" and "being under the influence." With no further details to go on, we'll assume the device was either a glass pipe, a sterling silver rolled dollar bill, or a beer helmet retrofitted to hold two giant vials of Crack Light delivered by crazy straw directly up the user's nostrils.