Say there are two young reporters, working their way into the glamorous, ugly world of Manhattan reporterdom. One has a website—the other wants a website. And so the latter ganks the former's.

Keach Hagey—feminist electro-something rock band chick and brand-new Village Voice media columnist—has a website that seems to be identically-constructed to that of New York Press contributing writer Neille Ilel. Also? Neille's name is all over Keach's source code.

Compare and contrast. There's even a page where the links at the bottom lead unintentionally from one to the other. (Of course, we won't rule out an unlikely case of sisterly sharing, later regretted.)

Unrelated! What exactly is up with names these days? "Keach" at least is a family last name repurposed. But seriously, these days it's like a game of Boggle blew up in someone's uterus.