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Great Moments in Journalism are submitted by readers, and can be sent to this address. Today's Great Moment comes to us, as so many of them do, via Alessandra Stanley's TV Watch column. Here, she's discussing the fanbase that remains to geeky shows like Lost:

The fans of these kinds of serialized thrillers are unusually passionate and devoted, carrying a clout not unlike that of anti-abortion activists — their intensity is in some ways more powerful than their numbers.

We suppose "cachet" doesn't sound quite right either. (Note: tipsters have also been telling us about a lot of factual mistakes that Stanley made re: Lost's plotlines; we'll let a team of Times corrections forensic specialists handle that, because no one can reasonably be expected to make any kind of sense of that show).

The Unseen and Unexplained, Inching Closer to the Truth [NYT]