When Is Cathy Horyn Going to Take That Stupid Hat Off?

It was only Wednesday night, just past the half-way point of fashion week, and New York Times fashion writer and new blogger Cathy Horyn hit the blog wall, hard.
I was sitting this morning at Michael Kors' show (luxe babes, chic glen plaid) and wondering about my hair. I've been wearing a black knit cap all week. I know what everyone's thinking. "When is she going to take that stupid hat off?" But it's almost too late, at this stage, to take it off, and I don't have time to get to the hairdressers. I was thinking I could get a wig.
In blog-world terms, she's about a day away from late nights spent pasting-up Fiona Apple lyrics that are supposed to send coded messages to long-unforgotten ex-boyfriends.