Gavin Newsom: I touch myself

So what's up with Gavin Newsom, the handsome SF mayor who was apparently such an unregenerate drunk that he slept with his campaign manager's wife? Though he's set to enter some kind of friendly rehab-like "helping," it looks like he's also going to pay his campaign manager's salary until the poor cuckold finds a new job (the manager, Alex Tourk, resigned after confronting Newsom with the affair on January 31). Newsom's staff tried to find a way to pay Tourk's salary with campaign funds, but it looks like the cash will have to come from the mayor's personal hot pocket. Since we started a trend (two = trend) of running pics of Newsom touching himself on the face, check after the jump for our fulfillment of readers' demands (two readers = demand) for a gallery of such photos.