HuffPo All About Inhalant Abuse, Bandwagon-Jumping

Some lucky MoveOn members received an exciting email today from their friends at the Huffington Post:
Dear Media Action member,
The Huffington Post political news site is inviting MoveOn Media Action members to be among the first users of an exciting new people-powered project called Huffit.
Huffit lets users choose which news stories should get the most attention. People will submit interesting news articles from anywhere in the world and the most popular stories will appear on the front of, which has over 2.5 million readers each month. The Huffington Post is looking for a few thousand smart, engaged, web savvy people to pioneer the new feature. MoveOn Media Action members are invited to register and participate. You can register here: This is a great opportunity to move away from corporate-filtered news and toward a new, people-driven news environment. If you are familiar with Digg,, and reBlog, these user-generated sites inspired Huffington Post to bring such a feature to their progressive news community.
Thanks for all you do.
We suppose there is nothing that Arianna Huffington can do about the fact that that is her name. But why emulate Reddit to the point where it sounds like you are user-generating news for rural paint-sniffers? Seriously, Arianna: you should have gone with