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There's no better cure for the blues than a quick trip through Blue States Lose. Our hearts may be heavy, but they'll certainly be lightened by a quick tour of The Cobrasnake, Last Night's Party, Misshapes, and Ambrel.

After the jump, Alex Blagg does his best to heal a weary nation.

10.Misshapes. February 3rd, 2007 photo #008: Fashion Week always tends to bring its share of out-of-town guests, such as Leotard's dear cousin from San Diego, Sebastian Fabulis.

9.Misshapes. February 3rd, 2007 photo #109: Which of course means that Princess Coldstare simply HAD to welcome her good witch twin sister, Her Royal Dutchess Forhedda Von Smirk.

8. Misshapes. February 3rd, 2007 photo #257: And how could we fail to mention The Other Guy's cousin from Transylvania...actually, who gives a fuck?

7. The Cobrasnake. Cash For Car Parts photo #3143: It's really great to see that the Waif Who Shall Not Be Named has had such a stylistic impact on the Xerox-brained dumb-bunnies of Los Angeles nightlife.

6. Ambrel. Rock and Republic photo #1151: For those of you trying to keep track of the hottest styles coming out of Fashion Week, the "High School Dropout Who Used To Sell Me Dimebags In the Taco Bell Parking Lot" look is going to be HUGE this year.

5. The Cobrasnake. Wake Up Jacob photo #4088: Listen Merlock Silverflair, the dude from The Flaming Lips can get away with this sort of shit because he's in a famous rock n' roll band. But standing behind your Powerbook, pressing some fucking buttons and playing old Police songs doesn't make it OK for a forty-five year-old to dress like a gay wizard and hang out with a bunch of high school kids.

4. Last Night's Party. Jordi photo #1739: Anna Nicole Smith's body might still be warm, but that doesn't mean it's too early for a heartfelt tribute to how much you loved her, and how much she inspired your devoted love of pills.

3. Ambrel. Rock and Republic photo #1204: Let us now retire to the salon so that we might discuss this charming Picture of Douchian Gay.

2. Misshapes. February 3rd, 2007 photo #100: How precious. This little guy found a four-year old issue of VICE Magazine lying around somewhere and just fucking WENT WITH IT.

1. The Cobrasnake. Monsters Childrens photo #9379: Man, I wish these dudes would move to a far away land, claim it as their own, name it the Unified Territories of Total Fucking Cliche, create their own ironic currency, make laws mandating retarded neon 80's shirts as the only acceptable form of clothing, and carve their faces into the side of a fucking mountain. But mostly just the "move far away" part.

Earlier: The Ballad of Peppers and Fairycheeks (Gloria)