Anna Nicole: The Morning After Round-Up

Any attempt to deal with all of the updates about Anna Nicole Smith's death on an individual basis would probably result in "mysterious" and "unexpected" heart failure, so here's our best attempt to round up the developments for your perusal over your first cup of coffee:
· While many grieving mothers would succumb to the temptation to wax dishonestly about a lost child's aspirations to a Harvard education and a career in the Peace Corps, Smith's mom keeps it real, speculating on Good Morning America that Anna Nicole "had too many drugs" and laments that her daughter never heeded her warnings about "hanging out with the wrong crowd," knowing that nothing good could come out of her falling in with octogenarian billionaires and shady, husband-like lawyers. [ABC News]
· Access Hollywood EXPLOSIVELY claims that Smith may have choked on her own vomit, finally giving us the Jimi Hendrix tie-in we'd been hoping for. [Access Hollywood]
· ABC News has an EXCLUSIVE on WHAT KILLED ANNA NICOLE SMITH! Oh, wait, it's just a Q and A with a doctor who narrows down the possible causes of death to murder, accident, or suicide. Good thing they didn't call off the autopsy. [ABC News]
· Rosie O'Donnell may have murdered Smith with her mind. How's that for a cause of death theory, Mr. ABC News Doctor Man? [Page Six]
· TMZ was hoping to get a cameraman into the autopsy room, but after negotiations break down, they settle for a couple of posts announcing the doctor's arrival on the scene and the beginning of the process. [TMZ, TMZ]
· "'Anna looked extremely bloated when she vomited out something white before having a seizure early this afternoon,' a hotel employee tells Us. 'The reaction was so violent that people in the hotel thought she had some tragic food poisoning. But we were told it was a drug overdose by the people who saw it.'" [Us Weekly]
· Tony Danza will play Max Bialystock in "The Producers" on Broadway. [AP]
· TrimSpa: The forgotten victim of this tragedy. [NY Post]