Anna Nicole Smith's Daughter In Danger Of Developing Daddy Issues

We were hoping to get at least a tiny break from the Anna Nicole Smith updates, but the Random Celebrity Gossip Generator has output a story so mind-meltingly absurd that it bears immediate attention. By our count (and we're including Larry King, as per yesterday's suspicions) there are no fewer than sixty-eight men in the Dannielynn paternity chase now that Zsa Zsa's husband, Prince Frederick Heinz the Baron Krauss von Espy, has officially entered his DNA into the race.
Also, for those keeping track of such things, it seems the CPR video (or at least one of the many CPR videos that might eventually surface) has found its way online. At least the voiceover's in German, which lends just the right note of grim detachment called for by the situation.
[Ducks and Danza. Ducks and Danza. Ducks and Danza.]
UPDATE: Radar reports that Prince Frederick has publicly admitted to problems with this baby-making apparatus in the past, casting doubts upon his seemingly opportunistic claims of parentage.