Drew Barrymore's Sad Valentine's Day Plans

A sly Williamsburg dude left a subtle hint about his Valentine's Day date on the reliably retarded Williamsboard message board last night:
I have a VD date with a famous person this week. But now that I'm typing his I realize there's no way Imma let the cat out the bag. But you can Draw your own conclusions...
The saddest part is how long it took his audience to figure out the riddle. ("is it a graffiti artist? IF SO, DO TELL, DO TELL. i may have boned him first and can tell you all about his doodle.") Of course it was not a graffiti artist. Unless you count that time during the 'dark years' when Drew spray-painted daisies all over the sidewalk and then had sex with Jane Pratt. This is just what life after Fabrizio Moretti looks like for Drew: a long romantic night with an oh-so-sensitive Williamstard.
when we first officially met upstairs at the spotted pig they were "this close" to breaking up and it was a magical, magical moment