Tracy Morgan To Lecture High School Students On The Importance Of Using Car Services Whenever They Plan To Get Wasted

30 Rock star Tracy Morgan (or, as one headline writer who has yet to climb aboard NBC's Comedy Night Done Right train put it, "Ex-'SNL' star Tracy Morgan") has pled guilty to his DUI charge from November. And if he stays out of trouble for the next little while, it appears he'll be off the hook:
Morgan entered his plea as part of a conditional discharge deal. If he meets the requirements of the court, which include a doctor-supervised alcohol program, community service and no arrests for the next six months, the case against him will be dismissed. [...]
On his way to his (chauffeur-driven) car, Morgan told reporters how uncool his behavior was.[...]
On Dec. 2, 2005, Morgan was arrested in Hollywood on impaired driving charges after police stopped him for speeding.
Despite his lawyer's assurance that he expected the community service to include lectures to school groups about the evils of drunk driving, it's important to remember that Morgan is not an accredited substance abuse counselor; he is simply an enthusiastic young man with a sixth grade education, an abiding love for all of God's creatures, and a bad habit of getting behind the wheel when he's utterly shitfaced.