'Stuff' Lagerfeld Joke Offends Chunkies, Cat People

Newish Stuff editor Dan Bova's first editor's letter is a sendup of Chanel designer/vampire-grampy Karl Lagerfeld. According to WWD, Bova "wrote the editor's letter of his first full issue in the supposed voice of Karl Lagerfeld, focusing mostly on what Bova fabricates is the designer's taste for eating cats." We suppose this is what Dan is getting at when he says that Stuff is making a "concerted effort to go upscale," but we're unconvinced. We're talking about the author of the Karl Lagerfeld Diet here, the man who once said that his "only ambition in life" is to fit into size 28 jeans. You think he'd really be caught dead ingesting a calorie-crammed, full-fat feline?
Let Them Eat Cats [WWD]
Karl Lagerfeld, Boy Prince of Fashion [NYMag]