'02138' Mag Fleeing Harvard For Manhattan

A gang of pretentious Harvard twits are coming to New York! (Unlike every other day.) Boston-based 02138 magazine—backed by Atlantic owner David Bradley and described ad nauseam as "Vanity Fair for Harvard"—made quite a splash with its first issue, in large part thanks to a Bill O'Reilly-attended launch party at the Core Club and cover shot of Rashida Jones wearing a tie and not much else. The second issue had Eliot Spitzer on the cover. Hmm. And now they're headed our way.
Anyway, Boston's Daily Dig has it that the magazine is positively hemorrhaging staff and, hey, since there's no one left on the masthead, why not just pack up and move to New York?
The maneuver is to make it so ridiculously unhospitable that people quit—they're never fired," an inside source tells us. Who the hell is left at 77 North Washington Street?
Apparently nobody, (Soon, anyway.) Having burned through a cord or two of local talent in just a few months, 02138 is on to greener pastures in which even more desperate media types are wont to graze. Insiders say the mag is moving to New York in a matter of weeks (good work, Noyes!), and that they've already hired a managing editor for the New York office.
(That would be this managing editor job, apparently.) Wonder how long Bradley will be along for the ride? This has Radar written all over it. Bom Kim is the new Maer Roshan!