Ryan Phillippe CareerWatch: Actor Now Entertaining Party Hosting Offers

We realize that it's never a good idea for a Hollywood couple's less successful half to abandon the security that comes with a life of being married to an A-list earner, but are things already so bad for Ryan Phillippe that he's open to taking party hosting gigs? This limited time opportunity landed in our inbox as part of personal appearance booking agency Esterman Entertainment's e-mail update on the talent they offer (among other performers featured: Webster, C.C. DeVille, Ron Jeremy) for all of your mall-opening and wet-t-shirt-contest-emceeing needs. While we'd never begrudge a guy the chance to pick up some easy money in between movies (he's even on Ellen today plugging his new film), he should enter this world knowing that seemingly innocent hosting jobs are a proven gateway to the pure celebsploitation of the Australian horse auction circuit.
Of course, we must also entertain the possibility that this is some kind of hoax being perpetrated by CAA in its efforts to impress new client Reese Witherspoon by "taking care" of her Phillippe problem.